Inspire Doodles exists to dispatch trained therapy dogs with trained therapy dog handlers with a passion for counseling and animal behavior science to bring healing to individuals and communities.
By offering a unique combination of highly trained dogs and handlers experienced in service, Inspire Doodles maximizes the therapy dog experience.
The presence of trained paws and hands provides a fuller comfort experience to both individuals and communities.
Research proves the effectiveness of therapy dogs to lower anxiety levels. They create a safe atmosphere for children and individuals who have experienced trauma to speak openly to
experience emotional healing. Inspire Doodles exists under the umbrella of Inspire Women, a non profit that trains women to serve at potential in their multi-ethnic communities.
Inspire Doodles invests in those with a passion for counseling and animal behavior science to combine their love of people and canines to bring comfort to their communities.
Struggling with fear, loneliness, or rejection?
Our team will equip you with the tools to overcome these challenges.